Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Above are some chickens we drew using pastel, they look awesome don't they? The rest of our chickens are displayed in our classroom.

We learnt all about Chickens last week. This continues our Inquiry learning topic called 
"From Farm to Table"
We wanted to know how the eggs we eat are made, and how they get to our houses.
We also wanted to know about other animals that lay eggs.

We looked at the Life-cycle of a chicken by watching some Youtube videos of chickens laying eggs (it was a bit gross!), chicks hatching out of eggs and the different types of chicken farms.
We found out some interesting facts and did some writing about our observations.

 DJ wrote a lot about what he learnt.

Krista and Ocean learnt a lot too and shared the facts they found interesting with us.

Here are Iosefo and Joseph's learning on the process a chicken goes through in its life.

Room 4 also learnt a funny dance called 'The Chicken Dance'
Here is a video we made (our first) of us explaining how to do the dance.

You can practice the actions before you do the dance with a friend.
Here is a video of our class doing the dance together.

Finally, here is a video of the actual song so you can do your own dance.

Maybe you can make a video of you doing the 'Chicken Dance' and you can share it with our class.
Have fun

Next time you have KFC or eat scrambled eggs think about what has happened before it got to your plate!! 

Sunday, 8 May 2016


We have been looking at Beehives. We learnt that the shape of the cells inside a beehive are called HEXAGONS!

We decided to make our own beehive cells using iceblock sticks. We knew that hexagons have 6 sides and they tessellate which means they repeat in a pattern making a bigger shape. 
Room 4 had to figure out how to connect the iceblock sticks to make their hexagons tessellate and then we noticed we needed less iceblock sticks as we tessellated the hexagons. 
Here's what we made!

After making as many hexagon cells as we could together as a tessellating pattern just like a beehive, we got the coloured foam shapes and repeated the activity trying to make as many hexagons as we could out of the different shapes. We discovered some interesting things. Watch the Youtube videos below to see what we learnt by putting different shapes together.

We learnt that 2 Trapeziums together makes a Hexagon!
We then learnt that 6 Triangles together also makes a Hexagon!
Lastly we learnt that 3 Parallelograms together also makes a Hexagon!
So me made lots of them and put them together.
This is what we made!

Can you see how we made our Hexagons?

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

We have BEANS!

Finally our bean plants have grown beans! We call these BEAN PODS.
There are some beans inside of the bean pods.

Can you see the 3 little bean seeds inside? 
We could put these beans into the soil again and they will grow some more beans. This is part of the BEAN life cycle.

These pictures show the process our beans went through to become beans.


In the holidays nobody will be at school to water our beans. We think that they may die because they won't get enough water to drink. We will pick all the beans that have grown before we go on holiday.

We could boil up our beans and eat them with a bit of melted butter on top. YUMMY!
How do you like eating beans?
Let us know in the comments below.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The Life-Cycle of a Bean

From our learning about the Life-Cycle of a Bean plant, we have been able to make some predictions about what will happen next to our beans that are growing in our garden. At the moment, our beans are flowering red flowers. 

Here is a video where Willie tells us what he thinks will happen next.......
Before you watch it, look at the Life-cycle diagram above and see if you can figure out what will happen next to our beans.

 Do you think Willie is right? Come and visit our garden in front of Room 4 and look for yourself. Can you see the flowers? What colour are they? What do you think the bean pods will look like?

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Room 4 and the Beanstalk!

We don't think we'll find a GIANT at the top of our beanstalks but we are looking forward to seeing some beans start to grow very soon. We have had to put some sticks into the garden to help the beanstalk grow up instead of falling over. These beans are called CLIMBING BEANS.

Our beans have grown really big over the past few weeks.
Room 4 need to water them EVERY DAY.

Solomon NOTICED something happening on a few of our beanstalks today and wrote about what he saw.

We know that in the life cycle of a bean - the flowers need to grow first before they can grow some bean pods. We think that the bean pods will soon start to grow.
(if the wind doesn't kill our beans first!)

Monday, 7 March 2016

Fruit Hedgehog Fun!

The Blue Reading Rocket group read the book 'Hedgehog Fun' this week.

Our school has been learning about being HEALTHY by eating 5 pieces of either fruit or vegetables EVERYDAY! 
We decided to follow the instructions in this book and make our own Fruit Hedgehogs!

We needed: Skewers, 
and Marshmellows.

The children were very helpful in making their own fruit hedgehogs to share with our class and they tasted really yummy!

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Our Beans are Growing!

A bean update.....

So we decided to do something to help our beans grow stronger and bigger.
We planted them in our class garden.
Read McKenzie and Willie's recount about what we did with our beans with roots.